THE MERIT LIST [2015-16]





Venturing beyond the concerns of selecting the project for The Merit List, the Jury also frames issues and concerns that relate to practice and pedagogy of architecture in India. These discussion frames serve as essential readings and discourse for The Merit List and the profession in general.

Reactions from the Recipients

Architecture BRIO
It is critical to have a platform for reviewing works if architecture amongst peers. There are numerous awards and lists that have recently been established but most of them are ways to engage architects as part of a large sponsors marketing program. While they do have value in selecting the best works produced in that year and do fill in a gap due to the absence of an authoritative and progressive body of architects, a written critique and therefore content is often missing.

Apart from the encouragement you get because of the recognition, you also get to see a number of good quality projects. It would be also a showcase for students and young architects to identify the good projects.

Artha Studio
We think it will create better bench mark in terms of fraternity as well education of architecture. Same should happen at school/college level where student knows what is good, what’ is market driven and what is truly worth.

I think the process was well thought of and executed. I think peer-to-peer recognition is very important. The spectrum of projects is really wide and inclusive.

Morphogenesis is thrilled to feature in and win a citation in The Merit List 2015-16 Cycle purely for the evaluation process that goes far deeper into theoretical, qualitative and highly pertinent issues that plague architecture today. Also, the atypical criterion of organizing projects only by scale is very refreshing.

Katakam Associates
It is difficult to see something which is clearly out of this subcontinent? It would be good if The Merit List is concerned in this area of excellence.

Kiron Cheerla Architects
I am sure there is so much more great work happening in India that is not covered or seen anywhere. (Especially by the students of Architecture).

As this is first of its kind and first for MATTER, the recognition might be to a smaller scale. But I am sure this is going to change manifolds in the coming years.

I think, the 2015-2016 Jury were great. But I suggest that common people’s (like previous Clients etc.) comments to be accommodated in the jury process to be incorporated. (may not be in the final decision process).