About TML

The Merit List [TML] is an initiative by Matter and supported by Takshila Educational Society to recognise projects of critical relevance in the context of contemporary architecture of India.


Contemporary architecture practices in India produce work of substantial quality. They venture beyond the concerns of form and space and engage with the potential of the rich landscape often curating projects that are complex and multidimensional that address issues that push the boundaries of programmatic frameworks. Recognising a need to seek and chronicle such projects, TML aims to instigate critical discourse on the architecture of India. The Merit List is a peer-to-peer award that represents the eclectic, multi-layered, multi-faceted and diverse.


About 1000 studios in India frame the critical content of work and thought. These studios contribute substantially the identity of architecture practice in India.

About 100 projects: products of work from these studios become essential case-studies in the concerns, issues, semantics and ethos of practice in India. These projects are rich in content and will have a significant impact on the discourse (professional and academic) in future.

About 10 projects from this set transcend the framework of the probable and surprise with ideas that deserve celebrating. These 10 projects represent the promise of things to come: the work that is valuable and must be commended.


S, M, L, XL

Projects are products of context. To keep the evaluation of the project completely independent of typology, TML proposes scale as the only organiser of content for the Jury Process. This way, each piece of work is independently evaluated against the background of its programme, its context and the specificity of its challenges .

S : 10-150 sqm
M: 151-1000 sqm
L: 1001-10,000 sqm
XL: 10,001 sqm and above


1. Matter is not responsible in any inaccuracies in the content and facts submitted by independent authors as a part of The Merit List. All received data is considered true unless proven otherwise. Matter is not responsible for verification of submitted facts for all entries.

2. All the content received by Matter will be published for the purposes of The Merit List. A separate permission will be requested if the material is to be published for any other purpose / collateral.

3. Matter reserves the right to use the images and content submitted in Print, Online and on Social Media with due credit and acknowledgement in the context of TML.